My name is Emma Eberlein and I live on the off island of St. Agnes. I am an eco artist working with found items which I collect on the beaches around Scilly. I make recycled beach plastic jewellery and paint on driftwood. I also make sculptures out of recycled materials and beach finds. All my jewellery is hand cut, hand sanded and hand drilled, no electric tools are used, so each piece takes a long time to make. They are all unique pieces and very colourful! It is so satisfying to make what was rubbish into a wearable piece of art, something that is treasured.
I have been making and creating most of my life, searching on the beaches, excited to see what has been washed up. My garden is full of Buoys, floats and fenders! I have a little gallery on the island called ‘ Pot buoys gallery’.
Scilly is such an inspiring and special place to live. It is a little slice of paradise.
Potbouys Gallery St Agnes