Each week we will set a creative challenge and anyone wishing to participate can send in a picture of their design, or photo of their creation. We will collate the entries, share online and celebrate everyone’s success. All ages are encouraged to have a go. If you can think of someone who might not have access to Facebook but who might like to try a challenge please pass on the details when they are posted. Possible categories could include;- Miniature indoor garden, Cross stitch monogram, Pebble Zoo, Calligraphy, handwriting a poem, Fabric animal, a Knitted item or baking a chocolate cake. Some challenges may involve participants being asked to design something more challenging. For example, Vickie Heaney, Print Maker, may set a task to design an image suitable for a two coloured lino print, or Oriel might ask for an idea to be translated into coloured glass. That artist could then give a few top tips to steer people in the right direction. The Island Makers would select one ‘Highly commended’ design, and the relevant artist could make it up for them in the studios using the actual material: a finished print or a small fused glass dish for instance. This would then be sent to the original contestant as their prize! The first challenge will be with you in the next couple of days. We will keep the first couple of challenges fairly simple as you may not have a wide range of materials and resources at the moment.